OB Common Procedures

From Guide to YKHC Medical Practices


This is one of the most popular birth control methods postpartum on the OB Unit. It is an insertable 3-year capsule and can only be inserted by a specially trained (and certified) provider. This can usually be arranged for the patient within a 24 hour (or sooner) period.


See Induction Policy in the NWing Doc’s Office in the “Induction Book" or the Induction of Labor YKHC Clinical Guideline.


See the same topic above under “Deliveries”

Vacuum assist/extraction:

See the same topic above under “Deliveries”

Repair of Vaginal Delivery Lacerations:

1st and some 2nd degree lacerations may not need repair if hemostasis evident and anatomy is intact (e.g. peri-urethral, vaginal wall).

3rd and 4th degree lacerations repairs usually require HROB presence.

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