Category:SRC Clinic Provider Orientation

From Guide to YKHC Medical Practices

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Overview/Clinic Description

We have five subregional clinics (SRCs): Aniak, Emmonak, Hooper Bay, St. Mary’s, and Toksook Bay. See Map. Each clinic has enhanced resources and capabilities compared to regular village clinics. Each clinic has radiological imaging, lab facilities and limited ER/Urgent Care equipment.

In terms of staffing, the goal is to have two midlevel providers plus behavioral and dental health aides to provide care to patients in the SRC village as well as those villages in close proximity. At times the SRC may be the staging area for emergent transports that are not able to make it to Bethel, en route to Anchorage. Midlevel providers care for patients during regular clinic hours as well as provide nighttime and weekend call for emergencies.

Midlevel providers function like specialists in the region. They are called upon to provide care involving many different disciplines such as orthopedics, women’s health, acute pediatric issues, and trauma resuscitation. We have medical specialists such as cardiology, neurology, internal medicine, etc. in Anchorage, which can be contacted for consults. Pediatric, Emergency and Family medicine providers are available in Bethel for consults. Please don’t hesitate to call for any acute issues in which you need assistance.

Remember there are YKHC Clinical Guidelines for reference on many clinical situations. They lay out specific medical plans based on our population's challenging illnesses and our specific antibiotic resistance patterns.

Remember that health aides in villages may have already prescreened 50 percent of the patients we see and only the sicker ones have been sent on to the SRC. Therefore at times you need to be more aggressive with our sick patients.

Job Description/Duties



You will be seeing patients during the day, but on call on nights and weekends for emergencies. Our health aides will be on first call but will call you if they need additional help or approval of their plan. You may not have to come in but you need to be available to talk to them. Some SRCs have working cell phones to make this easier. Some villages (Aniak at this point) have a working ambulance that will bring patients directly to the clinic for you to see.

If you are the only provider at a SRC you will be on call Monday, Thursday with the weekends off except for dire emergencies.

It is important for the Health Aides to take first call and to fully assess the patient, then give you a call unless there is a dire emergency. That is their duty. Please encourage the health aides to do the initial assessments. When there is a seriously ill patient all health aides and staff may be called in to assist with that patient.

Required and Recommended Meetings

Note: Meetings can be arranged via teleconferencing from the SRCs

General Clinic Information For SRC Reference

#Preparing For and Navigating Daily Clinics

Outpatient RAVEN Charting

Clinic Appointments/Encounters

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